Benz G500 4x4 Squared
Since Traxxas has been discontinued the trx4 Benz g500 RTR , my fd and I have bought two more spare pre paint one for future projects. It is so happy that find someone who has the same interest, it is not easy though…,image_cGljLzIwMjExMDA2L29zc18xNjMzNTM0ODIxOTgzXzg2NF81MzNfNTYucG5n,t_50,g_se,x_20,y_20,image_cGljLzIwMjExMDA2L29zc18xNjMzNTM0ODIxOTgzXzg2NF81MzNfNTYucG5n,t_50,g_se,x_20,y_20,image_cGljLzIwMjExMDA2L29zc18xNjMzNTM0ODIxOTgzXzg2NF81MzNfNTYucG5n,t_50,g_se,x_20,y_20
这车我也想买 都没货 so many grammar failures... Mak10s 发表于 2022-05-04 21:39
so many grammar failures...
So what then? No one forces u to read my post…. U better go fxxk yourself. 斯蒂 发表于 2022-05-04 21:01
这车我也想买 都没货
Yeah so sad Kenvin 发表于 2022-05-04 22:44
So what then? No one forces u to read my post…. U better go fxxk yourself.
噗。。。小朋友出口成髒呢 看不懂啊,啥意思?这车难道又有货了? 就不能说国语啊 Life。 发表于 2022-05-05 07:48
就是成車已經停產了,所以要買定多一兩個已經上色的外殼以便未來需要 阿铜木 发表于 2022-05-05 15:20