当时写的介绍有中文版和英文版,但中文版的找不到了。英文版在软件上翻译了以后不忍直视(英文太差),所以我不翻译了,大佬们随便看看https://app.rcfans.com/public/emotion/face_017.pngThe first rc- equipped wind power car
Nissan Mitsu Sakura·Ultimate Edition
Basic information:
Max speed:about 38km/h
Rated voltage:7.4v
Limit controlling distance:100m
Technical description:
Using two 180 super motor as the engine,which offers astonishing wind power.
Steering engine(舵机)helps the car turning at any angle,from 0 degree to 60degrees ,which improves its controllability.
Soft special wheels offer stronger friction.
60 grams of steel pieces added to the back of the car,making the car much more stable.
Wooden frame is not only reliable,but also light.
Controlling system
Special radio controller with receiver,that improves the limit of electric current.It can stands the electric current at most of 20A for 5 seconds,which makes a big difference against the past.That’s why the car can reach the speed of 38km/h.Out rush as lightning the car when the button pressed.And then a small hurricane passes by your feet.That can be really cool.When you drive the car,you may feel that you are in the actual Formula 1 race.
Art elements
The graceful pink for propeller,the light pink for the main frame and bright yellow for the front frame,make the car not only elegant but also energetic.
As for the stickers,fairy typeface combined with the powerful number’8’give car the symbol of both goodness and strength.
Beautiful-shaped propellers are also the highlight of the car.
The logo ’NISSAN’ has given the car a classic feel.
Purpose of designing the car
My purpose of building up this car,is actually to commemorate my first wind turbo car ‘Mitsu Sakura’.This car has the same name as that one,but this is the ultimate edition.