本帖最后由 adam_ddr 于 16-1-27 16:58 编辑 From HPI: The Jumpshot SC is based on the latest fun 2WD truck from HPI that gives you the awesome short course racing truck look combined with a modular, TVP (Twin Vertical Plate) chassis that’s easy to work on and fun rear-wheel drive action! With front and rear ‘basher’ bumpers and oil-filled shocks, the Jumpshot SC is ready for the rigors of off-road bashing, plus all-terrain tires and waterproof electronics let you drive the truck just about anywhere. Ready for LiPo batteries, a standard NiMH battery and charger are included so you get driving right away. The Jumpshot SC is ready for hours of fun! #116103 人肉翻译如下: 来自HPI: Jumpshot SC基于HPI的最新两驱娱乐卡车提供给你非常棒的短途卡车外观并结合了模块化设计,TVP双侧板底盘能够更好的发挥作用令你享受后轮驱动的愉悦!装备了‘basher’的前后保险杠及油压避震器,Jumpshot SC时刻准备应付严酷的越野路面冲击,全地形轮胎和防水电子设备让你能把车开到任何地方。标准镍氢电池和充电器已包含,上手即可马上驾驶,LiPo电池也是支持的哦。Jumpshot SC准备为你带来长达数小时的欢乐! HPI产品编号116103 |
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